Did you know there are 605 volunteer fire departments in Ohio? These departments account for 57 percent of the total fire departments in the state. Our Volunteer Committee exists to advocate for Ohio's Volunteer Fire Service by being:
- Active with the legislature, especially with those in leadership roles
- A clearing house for information
- A resource to all of Ohio’s volunteer community
- A common voice for Ohio’s volunteer fire service
- Active in developing training, officer, and leadership growth
- Enhancing the integrity and image of the volunteer fire service
The Volunteer Committee participates with initiatives to improve Ohio's volunteer fire and emergency services. To achieve this, three members were appointed to serve on the Governor's Task Force on Volunteer Fire Service, contributing to developing the final recommendations. Ohio's volunteers continue to face funding, retention, and recruitment challenges, all while responding to ever-increasing service demands. The committee collaborates with other key stakeholders, including the State Fire Marshal, Division of EMS, and the Ohio State Firefighters Association to identify best practices to alleviate the pressures on the volunteer service.
The Volunteer Committee of the Ohio Fire Chiefs' Association is working to determine how to serve you best - the volunteer fire service. We’d like to hear from you about the current status of your department and identify the challenges that the future may present for you and your communities. Help shape the future of Ohio's volunteer fire service. The Volunteer Committee is here to support you. Our success depends on you!
For more information, contact committee chair Chief Ed Koziol at romefire6300@gmail.com.
Biggest Challenges Facing Ohio's Volunteer Fire Service
- Recruitment and Retention
- Time Demands
- Financial Resources at the Local Level
- Training Requirements
Resource Links
National Fire Academy
National Volunteer Fire Council
NIOSH-Fire Link
Ohio Fire Academy
Ohio Department of Public Safety - Emergency Medical Services]
Volunteer Firefighter