
Your donation to the Ohio Fire & Emergency Services Foundation helps advance the important work of the Foundation. OFESF works closely with the Association to promote professional development and provide education and training for fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency management, and other areas of public safety for Ohio's fire, emergency medical service, and emergency response officers and members.

Your gift is an investment in your profession and your community. In addition, you may specify where you'd like your donation invested: in the general fund, for scholarships, education programs, or perhaps you have a special project in mind. If so, we'd like to hear from you.

Thank you for your commitment to OFESF.

Donate Today!

There is also suggested language for a simple will bequest available should you choose to make a donation in this capacity. Click here for more information.

The Ohio Fire & Emergency Services Foundation is a non-profit organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore, your contribution may be deductible upon payment if you itemize your deductions for federal income tax purposes.